How to Keep Your UPVC Windows Clean

window in bright orange background

If you want to know how to keep your UPVC windows clean, this article will teach you the basics. An unclean window is often overlooked but can make a significant difference to home aesthetics and the overall feel of the room. If you want to see clearly from your window as well as making your home look new consider these tips on effecting cleaning. If you are interested in UPVC windows consider a UPVC company Glasgow.

Start by checking the screens. They prevent dirt and bugs from entering, but they also gather dust and taint the panes. To remove this build-up, simply scrub the screens with a soft brush, and rinse with water. If you don’t have outside space, you can do this in your bathroom, using the shower head. Spring is the ideal time to clean dirty windows.

lady looking out window while hugging pillow

Tools to use

To keep your windows sparkling and free from streaks, you need a good window cleaning kit. This kit is a good buy and comes with three different types of brushes. One is a microfiber cloth, while the other is a telescoping aluminium pole with an extra-long handle extension. The two tools work together to help remove stubborn dirt and grime from windows. They also work well with soapy water and a microfiber squeegee.

Using a microfiber cloth

If you want to keep your UPVC windows clean, you should invest in a microfiber cloth. These cloths are perfect for cleaning delicate surfaces. Their fish-scale design has rough sides for cleaning and smooth sides for polishing. These cloths can be used to clean glass and mirrors as well as stainless steel appliances. Another plus to using a microfiber cloth for window cleaning is that you don’t need to use any cleaning solution. You can also choose between different coloured cloths for different cleaning areas.

Using a squeegee

Using a squeege to keep your windows clean requires a little more skill than just wiping them with a rag. The key to a streak-free window is to work quickly and make sure the squeegee stays in contact with the glass throughout the entire motion. The next step is to wipe the blade of the squeegee clean after every stroke. An old linen napkin works perfectly for this.

Mistakes to avoid

One of the most common mistakes made by people when cleaning their windows is adding too much washing solution or water to the panes. This only wastes the cleaning material and can lead to streaks. To avoid this problem, know what cleaning detergent to use for your windows and follow the manufacturer’s directions. Before you begin washing the panes, take some time to sweep off any cobwebs, sills, and frames.